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Programs & Curricula

This curriculum is designed to equip children with a biblical worldview preparing them for Spiritual Warfare.  Children will learn that "In Christ" they are superheroes.  And, with Christ, they will be victorious.

Discretion is required to be a representative of God in a place that doesn't honor Him.  This curriculum is designed to teach children to be as "wise as a serpent, and as harmless as a dove." 

Friendship is a key component of growing up.  Socialization prepares them to be mentally and emotionally healthy.  This curriculum is designed to empower children with friendship-making techniques, skills of inclusion, and the courage to be kind to those who are different.

This curriculum aims at teaching children the fundamentals of the Ten Commandments.  Each Commandment is explored in its Spiritual Context.  Each concept reveals an aspect of the two greatest commandments in life.  The first is to love God with all of our hearts.  The second is to love our neighbors as ourselves.

This curriculum helps the children to become acquainted with many of the New Testament books of the Bible, particularly the books of Paul.  As the children explore these epistles, they will also learn how the Good News of Christ traveled with each book.

Galatians 5 explores the characteristics of believers as they are guided by the Holy Spirit.  This curriculum is designed to contrast "Holy living" with "selfish living."  From this experience, children will learn to choose things that God desires for their lives.

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